Exhibition on the facade of the City hall of Tiergarten
Dear Friend,
We would like to invite you to participate in a poster campaign we are working on with artists and activists. We are dressing the facade of the Berlin Moabit Town Hall with large posters. At the moment we cannot know what the consequences of the big “shut down” will be, but what we do know for sure is that the borders must open again. Open borders for women! Our mothers, grandmothers and sisters must be able to cross the borders.
The women who are most affected by war, poverty, displacement and the nationalist politics of states have the least chance of moving across borders.
We know that borders are the origin of war. War is the fuel of prosperity. Women only benefit from this prosperity to a limited extent and only if they submit to the existing order.
We say: Instead of regressive narratives of division and polarization – a socio-political doctrine of love for diversity and a deep understanding of solidarity!
Let’s start together!
Marina and Joulia
Participating artists and activists: Raha Amiri (Moria), Evgenia Belorusets (Kyiv/Berlin), Uma Gаdzieva (Berlin), Nazgol Golmuradi (Athens), Vanessa Gravenor (Berlin), The House of Women for Empowerment & Emancipation (Athens), Nadira Husain (Berlin/Paris), Clara Stella Hüneke (Berlin), Sarah Kwasnicki (Berlin), Victoria Lomasko (Moscow), Eleonore de Montesquiou (Berlin/Tallinn), Zoë Claire Miller (Berlin), Lada Nakonechna (Kyiv), Marina Naprushkina (Berlin), Click Ngwere (Athens), Batoul Sedawi (Berlin), Florine Schüschke (Berlin), Nicola Schüschke (Berlin), Olia Sosnovskaya (Minsk/Wien), Gabriele Stötzer (Erfurt), Grreta Cazzola (Berlin), Antigoni Tsagkaropoulou (Athens), Nicola Schüschke (Berlin), Joulia Strauss (Athens/Berlin), Antigone Theodorou (Athens), Vera Varlamova (Berlin), Eirini Vlavianou (Athens), WISH Women In Solidarity House (Lesbos), Liwaa Yazji (Berlin).
Organisation: Marina Naprushkina und Joulia Strauss
Opening: June 9th, 2020, 5 PM
Demonstration and assembly from 5 PM on
Speeches by Kathleen Kunath (Begegnung in Falkensee) and Johanna Scherf (activist and psychologist)
Duration of the exhibition: June 9th – July 10th, 2020
The exhibition will be accompanied by a four week long online marathon. The participants will be making daily contributions referring to their work, the socio-political situation and their political demands.
Media partners: Avtonomi Akadimia (Athens), Neue Nachbarschaft/Moabit und Moabit Mountagn College (Berlin), The House of Women for Empowerment & Emancipation (Athens), Prostory (on literature, social criticism and modern art)
The program “Institutions Extended“ is supported by „Netzwerkfonds – Zukunftsinitiative Stadtteil II (ZI II), Programm Soziale Stadt“.
A project in the framework of the Program “Institutions Extended“